Sitecore & Angular 2

Sitecore & Angular 2 Introduction The company I work for has a long history in implementing content management system based solutions, including implementations based on Sitecore. In the last few years this was usually an implementation based on Sitecore 7.x or 8 in combination with AngularJS (version 1.x) with which we build public and private sites and sometimes in Single Page Application setup. With Angular 2 coming out already some time a go we realised we need to find a solution to create Sitecore based solutions in combination with Angular 2(+) to not only make sure we don't end up with new solutions based on old technologies that might be deprecated but also to stick to a technology stack that is close to our employee's skillset and know-how. Requirements Sitecore's rendering engine which generates dynamic HTML on the server including data (binding) and component based FrontEnd technologies like Angular 2 are not a match made in heaven out of the box,...