
Posts uit november, 2019 tonen

Sitecore databases - an overview

Recently a colleague of mine wanted to know what all the databases around a Sitecore installation are for. While there is some scattered info here and there, and you can find for each database appropriate documentation in the Sitecore docs, there was nowhere a complete (or near complete) overview. This post aims on providing some overview, which might still not be complete with regards to in depth information, but at least helps in getting a better picture. It represent an overview of Sitecore at version 9.2, so is subject to change in the future. Notice any discrepancy or missing database? Do give me a nudge and I'll add it. Core Contains all Sitecore's own item definitions that build up the content editor, and base templates, system items etc. If you want to extend Sitecore core functionality, this is where you go. Access through Sitecore admin desktop / content tree if switched to this database in desktop. Master All your implementation specific content items for ...

Get off my lawn - A journey from Sitecore MVC to the JSS world

A journey from MVC to JSS During Sitecore Symposium 2019 I gave a presentation about our journey as a company and developer community on moving from a Sitecore MVC mindset and specialization towards the Sitecore JSS world. This blog summarizes the most important take aways from this presentation. Working together One of the challenges we faced as a company was finding a good way of working together between front-end and Sitecore back-end developers. Coming from a distant past where we had front-end developers delivered static HTML, CSS and JS files and having a Sitecore developer transforming and migrating this into a Sitecore .NET solution, we evolved into an eco-system where front-end developers started working inside the .NET solution and worked with Razor files and more modern frameworks then JQuery such as AngularJS or React. This was fine for a while, but with Angular coming with newer versions and a need from UX perspective to deliver single page application experiences...