
Posts uit november, 2017 tonen

EXM adventures

This week I ran into a strange error when integrating Sitecore EXM in our project. EXM module installed just fine and our site kept working. However, EXM did not. When ever I browsed to the EXM dashboard I would receive disturbing errors. So first step was to dig into the Sitecore logs and I found the following error: 784 08:51:06 ERROR Information about distributed session {1D855C98-4C5E-4675-A15A-1F68D219584B} could not be published to the environment. Agents will be requested to deactivate temporarily. Exception: Sitecore.ExM.Framework.Exceptions.ConnectivityException Message: Failed to store information about the session through the session data provider. Source: Sitecore.ExM.Framework at Sitecore.ExM.Framework.Distributed.Sessions.Session.PublishSessionInfo(Nullable`1 recentMaintenanceTime) at Sitecore.ExM.Framework.Distributed.Sessions.Session.OnSessionUpdateEvent() Nested Exception Exception: System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException Message: String or binary da...

Marketing setup journey (part 3 of 3) - Setting up engagement plans and bring it all together

This blog is a follow up on part 2 of my marketing setup journey where I try to fulfill the following requirement: Based on custom contact data (like age category, nr of acquired products etc.) enroll contact in engagement plans and send them automatic email campaign messages and track their progress on the site after opening the email. In this last piece I show you how I setup my engagement plans and how I bring everything together from enrolling into a plan to monitoring your contact through the plan, emails and profile extensions. Create the plan For this part we are going to configure the different parts in the Marketing Control Panel and Email Experience Manager, both accessible through the Sitecore dashboard. For this part it is recommended to use IE or Edge as these parts use Silverlight, and chrome for example does not play nice with this. We start by setting up an Engagement plan that we are going to use to cover our scenario. Go to your marketing control panel....

Marketing setup journey (part 2 of 3) - Extending Experience Profile

This blog is a follow up on part 1 of my marketing setup journey where I try to fulfill the following requirement: Based on custom contact data (like age category, nr of acquired products etc.) enroll contact in engagement plans and send them automatic email campaign messages and track their progress on the site after opening the email. I will explain and show in this piece what I did to extend my Sitecore eXperience Profile with custom data so that I can later on use that in engagement plans, personalization rules and A/B tests. Extending your profile template The default Sitecore experience profile contains data like: Firstname Lastname Email Gender Birthday Address etc. Disclaimer : Keep in mind that you might not want to store sensitive data in xDB as frontend databases are not considered 'safe', so consider only saving metadata. So instead of saving someone’s account balance, email address or Age, save ‘IsRich’ or something even more ‘vague’, so that i...

Marketing setup journey (part 1 of 3) - EXM

This blog will present a series of articles about my journey on implementing custom Marketing capabilities. While Sitecore offers a lot of capabilities in their platform, to make use of them in your custom implementation there are quiet some steps to take and code to write to fulfill your requirements. My journey concerns setting up an environment with Email Experience Manager (EXM) with a custom Mail sending api, engagement plans, and exprience profile extensions. Requirements I had to fill were: Based on custom contact data (like age category, nr of acquired products etc.) enroll contact in engagement plans and send them automatic email campaign messages and track their progress on the site after opening the email. This sounds like a simple enough requirement. But implementing it wasn't as straightforward as this one liner. In my coming blogs I will show you what I needed to do to enable this kind of implementation. This first blog will focus on setting up EXM and a c...